VOX: Feedback   Questions & Suggestions

M3u Playlist NOT playing on Vox (2)
iTunes volume (2)
Album View when selecting an Artist (2)
Not Playing the Next Track Automatically (5)
File upload failures (5)
Updates to Vox Universal? Updates to iOS app? (1)
How do you uninstall VOX on macos (2)
Feature: Add Chromecast Support (3)
VOX mac: play one item from playlist then stop (9)
Chromecast Support? (5)
Remote control functionality from iOS device (9)
Shazam Integration (2)
Android Player (5)
Separating Artists with Tags, Offline download and custom folders suggestions! (1)
TIDAL possible?!? (4)
Separate libraries (1)
Artists separation & Offline Play (1)
Are you ever going to do an apple tv app? (5)
Option to transcode music to save mobile data usage (4)
Larger player (1)
Suggestion for better legibility of the text (2)
Suggestions for improvements 1 (3)
Any Plans for Roku/Smart TV Vox App? (1)
Sync Collections? Is it possible? (20)
Which VOX tv is better? (1)
🇺🇦 Possible temporary delay with support (2)
VOX Player for iPhone disc ordering (7)
Download all (4)
Integration of Qobuz (11)
Spotify or qobuz in the Mac app (2)