Hi there. I see some other people have had this same problem, but I don’t see a clear explanation or path to solving it. Every now and then a file upload will fail for me—often just one song out of a whole track of songs that were all encoded at the same time, in the same process, and everything uploads correctly except one. I can try to repeat the upload but it’ll still fail; I change the file name or modify the tag somehow and it’ll still fail.
The Vox Universal player displays which file failed to upload, which is a big improvement on the legacy player, which doesn’t, but even so, I don’t see any kind of error message explaining what’s wrong with the file, so I don’t know how to fix it. Any ideas? Thanks!
Update: I did actually find a log file, and what I see is:
time="2024-04-15T23:39:30.484853" level=error msg="could not upload file: /Users/myusername/Music/Music/Media.localized/Music/Compilations/Lo-Fi Music To Listen To/18 Shopping Decisions.mp3" error="upload request error: 401 Unauthorized: "
What does a 401 Unauthorized error mean with regard to Vox? I’m logged in, and I’ve tried uploading via both players and the web interface, and something about this track still produces errors.