VOX: Tech Support   Bug Reports

Last.fm scrobble problem [FIXED] ( 2 3 4 ) (61)
Is Vox cloud server down? (10)
Missing Tracks in Cloud (2)
Upload and playback issue (1)
Copy Information Should Include Album Name (1)
Uploading to cloud stick and unable to upload more music in windows player (1)
Bizarre problem, but anyway (1)
Vox on Mac won't let me sign in (3)
Does not play in background (1)
SoundCloud Playlists not updating (1)
Music tracks stopped working (1)
VOX opened fine yesterday. Today it will not open (3)
Unable to shuffle (1)
iPad app audio output (3)
No sound via Airplay on Denon AVC-X4700H (2)
Windows Support (2)
[Mac] Sync collections are not available until explicitly selected in collections tab (5)
"vox.rocks/support" page 404's (2)
Linking Last FM in Vox for Mac is broken (1)
YouTube streaming still not working on iOS after two months (2)
Search not working (2)
Deleted Album Still Listed (1)
Support form does not allow use of all legal email addresses (2)
Accents in Album and Track Titles - doesn't handle cleanly (4)
Newest sorting albums incorrectly. Unable to play whole albums (11)
SoundCloud does not work in CarPlay (3)
When I play multiple music sets VOX sending it to Last.fm as one track (2)
VOX crash after dialogue (1)
VOX misplacing tracks (2)
Major Bug in the player (2)