Annoying things at concerts. Stop doing this!


For most people, live concerts are the only times to feel most connected to beloved artists. We buy tickets month beforehand, anticipate the drive and energy, and then somebody just ruins it. Bad experiences affect us more than hearing our favorite hit live. I've been through this lots of times, and I'd always feel ambivalent about such gigs. It happens because we perceive concerts as a whole thing. I mean, when somebody asks 'How was the gig?', you start recalling the performance itself, the crowd, the overall vibe, and that jerk that spilled your drink. Here are some other annoying things that can ruin our experience of live gigs.

People with huge backpacks

Come on you now. You're now going hitchhiking, neither on an expedition. I have no idea why take something bigger than a waist bag. If you for some reason have all your belongings on you, leave them at a cloakroom.


Girls wearing heels
There's a special place for you in hell.


Bands that don't play hits
If you bought a Gorillaz ticket and Albarn didn't play Clint Eastwood, how would you feel? Would you be happy? No, you would burn the venue to the ground.


Love is beautiful, no debate here. Couples making out with a horrible tongue-mouth mashup – not beautiful.


When somebody spills your drink

It's a devastating feeling when you realize that crawling through the crowd was meaningless. There's no choice but go back for another beer.


When you spill somebody's drink, and they're mad

Give me a break, it's packed here. It's your fault anyway, you should've been more careful about your precious drink.


Tall people

Tall people remember: you are the least expected people at any concert. Stand as close to the scene to ruin somebody's day.


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