VOX: Feedback

Cover art and Library management [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Video content [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Loop & Sonos [Questions & Suggestions] (10)
Why does your splash screen only have white people on it? [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Better Unicode/UTF-8 support [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Volume Normalizer [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Why not add rating function and smart collections funciton to Loop [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
How about an iPad version? [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Genre missing [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Lop uploader for PC [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
IOS Version. Folder View and delete files [Questions & Suggestions] (13)
Link to cloud storage [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Full screen/better looks [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Display current playing song (artist, album) on dock icon [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Gap/Overlap on Skip [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Vote to develop/improve features [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Loop plugin for other media players? [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Playlists based on CUE files [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Web app [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Scroll playlist when playing next song [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Radio vs Last.fm Scrobble [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
More visual ques for Loop [Questions & Suggestions] (7)
Jump to a letter when viewing my library [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Start VOX in last selected tab [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Chromecast audio support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Soundcloud liked playlist [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Clear explanation how LOOP handles artwork [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
List view of all the songs [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Add custom radio station [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Further customization of desktop and idevice app [Questions & Suggestions] (3)