VOX: Feedback

XML File Missing Preventing Vox from finding iTunes Library [Questions & Suggestions] (1)
Organizing Files in Vox [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Player Interface Simplicity [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Would love actual DSD playback [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Should delete key really remove tracks [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Spectrum Visualizer [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Uploader for Windows [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
iOS app categories [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
VOX Universal app and WiFi Drive support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Current track for control panel [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Sort by Artist > Album in iOS app & Caching [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
More structure - folders for added albums, view by genre, [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Scrobble youtube music [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Pono Support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Loop for Android [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Apple TV --> push cover art and basic metadata [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Please launch in India with a more reasonable pricing [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Improved Now Playing screen [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
XBMC / Plex client [Questions & Suggestions] (10)
Need to finally get lyrics the nice feature of your player we don't need to use shitty itunes [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Use the "album artist sort order" tag for sorting [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Browse by song or artist or album or genre etc [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Congrats for product hunt [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Sound Check and Library Browsing (Vox for iPhone) [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Would be nice if [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
VOX doesn't work on my late 2011 MacBook Pro [Questions & Suggestions] (8)
Vox player for window [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Music rating [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Carplay support? [Questions & Suggestions] (7)
Music Center [Questions & Suggestions] (4)