Skins are a must-have, not a nice-to-have


I downloaded Vox to avoid the wretched iTunes and am happy with software.

However, the default white on black skin is, well, less than ideal, so I will re-open an earlier, March 31 thread that you closed without answering:

"I have always found that white on black may look elegant, but it is much harder to read. This may be a personal thing but if you look at the screen shot the bit rate information is at least for me virtually unreadable, whereas the finder fields which have about the same font size are quite clear. It also may be an issue with the font that is used. Thus the ability to resize would be a workaround, but the ability to use a different skin would be better."

I don't care about resizing, but to me the default and only skin is disappointingly ugly and dysfunctional, and creates a bad impression on first download.

I don't need anything elaborate like a color picker, but something like that in OS X Terminal would be fine. Thanks for an otherwise fine product that is a real disappointment in this one aspect.

(Not giving my name. Sorry!)


Hi Reginald,

Yes, that makes sense, we will discuss it. Thanks for your suggestion!

Have a nice day :)