VOX: Feedback

Customization of apps [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Seek/Search Function (forward/rewind) Keyboard Shortcut and Playlist expansion [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Almost there [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Apple Watch Remote Support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
VOX Radio - Please add a station [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Please let me custom hotkey for move forward/backword (seek) [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Swipe up/down to alter volume on iOS [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Use the Bitcasa Model for Loop Storage [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Soundcloud stream from specific artist both iOS/Mac [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Features to consider [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Changes log/history + version number [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Album Artwork in Full Player Mode [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Sort the collections on mac? [Questions & Suggestions] (7)
A few suggestions [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Player too small [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Player column too narrow for classical music works [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Audio Effects [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
iOS App: In-app disable of SoundCloud notifications [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Like currently played SoundCloud track right from "Now Playing" screen [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Vox stopped playing tracks after latest update [Questions & Suggestions] (7)
VOX for iPhone [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Rating [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Scrobble radio [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
AC3/DTS support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Vox for iphone features [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Loop through favorite radio stations with << >> keys and with the Apple Remote [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Audiobook Bookmarking [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Manual track switching [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Convert loseless before caching [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Skins are a must-have, not a nice-to-have [Questions & Suggestions] (2)