It's so good to hear from you!
As for *#2 *What I mean is to add another option that will allow
us to open
the selected song to a number of choices such as email, other media
non-media apps in the "more" section when swiping a song to the
either in the Collections or Library folder. Below is the image of
my idea:
[image: Inline image 1]
Also in #3 suggestion is the animated Spectrum EQ
Visualizer, below is an
example of what I mean:
[image: Inline image 2]
or it can be any style or design deemed fit by the team to the
UI/UX of Vox
app for iphone. Below are examples of other designs:
[image: Inline image 3]
Oh, and by the way I was wondering if you can add an option too
where we
can listen to our music in* 3D effect* (surround sound)? This will
be great
Wow! All I have are praises for your app that I fell in love
right away
with it the first time I downloaded and used it. It just amazing in
aspects, the design, UI, UX, Sound Quality, features and more
features to
come as you keep updating the app. As far as I know, this is the
best and
number 1 music app in the appstore! Nothing comes close enough to
abreast with Vox for iPhone! It's a Heck of a music player! Now
this is my
go-to music app and I enjoy using it everyday anywhere I go.
Congrats team
and more power!