VOX: Feedback

How to stop Vox 'header' from scrolling [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
"Sort by" playlists [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Logarithmic Volume Control [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Will Airdrop support? [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
New URLs for some french radio (Radio-France group) [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Problem with Resonance FM, suggestion for new radio stations… [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Libre.fm Integration? [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Localizing. Would you like to have an free help about CHT translation for APP? [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
iPad support? [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Plex Integration [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Searching for artists [Questions & Suggestions] (6)
Adb drivers [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Library Suggestion [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
iOS App Remote function for MAC App [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Forward rewind key shortcuts adjustable [Questions & Suggestions] (8)
Allow Cloud Storage Services as a Source [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Continue playback when currently played file is deleted [Questions & Suggestions] (7)
Setting to always hide media info (bitrate, type, etc.) and show additional controls [Questions & Suggestions] (9)
Create a "Delete on Upload" Option for Watched Folders [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Allow for Loop Backup [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Text Loans @ www.paydaytextuk.co.uk [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Mute Button in Menu Bar [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
iOS - Shuffle By Albums [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Light graphical theme [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Show "reposted by" info on Soundcloud stream [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Add a repost action/button to Soundcloud [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Love vox, love the idea of a cloud player....don't need another cloud service [Questions & Suggestions] (9)
Movers and Packers Delhi @ http://www.shiftingservices.in/packers-and-movers-delhi.html [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Scrolling in mobile [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Some very useful suggestions [Questions & Suggestions] (2)