What happen when unsubscribed?



I am new to Vox, but I like the idea and the software. It looks very promising and I am willing to try, since I am not really happy with iTunes. My question is, if I subscribe to Loop Vox and a few months from now I decide to unsubscribe, what happen to the songs that I had uploaded from my external HD to Loop?

If someone could help me out, it would be highly appreciated. Thank you, kindly!



Hey there,
Thanks for You feedback!
You can unsubscribe any time You want. Just click "Cancel Subscription" button on account page https://loop.vox.rocks/account

You music still will be in LOOP after cancellation. If Your account
will be inactive for a long time, we will inform You several times
by email and then delete Your account and music.

If You have any questions, please feel free to ask.