VOX 3390.3 Clicking on task bar buttons causes app to lock up


All I did to crash the app was to click the queue button on the mac taskbar. It opened the queue UI but then I got the beachball. Activity monitor shows the process not responding and at 100% cpu. This also blocked my keyboard from typing for some reason.


Yep, same issue here



Thanks for your postS! A new version of macOS VOX app (includes menu bar fix) is now going through the testing sessions and going to be released in a days!

As a temporary workaround - you may try to switch to a single menu bar control option, how it’s done: VOX > Preferences > General > Menu Bar > Use single menu bar control!


How many days? It’s been 58 so far. :sleeping:


Thanks for reporting. The issue has been solved in 3.3.10, hence if you still have it, we would recommend doing a re-install. If the problem still persists after the re-install - please reach our tech. support desk https://vox.rocks/support to have it sorted!

We will collect all the needed data. This data will be disassembled and passed to the dev.team.


Fixed! Thanks so much for getting this out.