Vox 2.1.1 - PLAY button not (always) working as expected


Scenario : drag'n'drop album folder on app window. in Vox 2.1.1 a playlist drops down, showing the tracks. So far, so good.

But then clicking the PLAY button does not start playing the 1st - highlighted - track from that playlist.
Instead it opens an 'Add Files to Playlist' window ! I could only start playback by double-clicking the highlighted 1st track in the playlist.
Subsequent clicking of the PLAY button then alternates between PLAY and STOP, as expected.


Same problem for me since the new version appeared. Except that I don't drag and drop -- I just want to add a file folder and then play. Instead, the play button sends me back to the "add" window.So the next step is to open the list on the player and click on the first track.

It also refuses to "autoload music from folder" and "clear default playlist before playing files", though I have had these boxes ticked in the preferences. Completely buggy ever since this new version arrived in the summer. Because of all these issues I spend so much time clicking on things just to play some music that it would be hilarious if not so frustrating.

Unfortunately, I can't find a player now for Mac which will simply open a folder and play. VLC does so, but they have sound issues on Mac. So, what, do I have to get a Windows partition? Life was so simple on PC.


^ I wouldn't give up on the Mac just yet ;-)

As a result of this - and more issues - I'm renewing my interest in Cog : http://cogx.org which sadly is no longer actively developed by Vincent Spader. Use his site just for info, but download from here : https://bitbucket.org/kode54/cog where a fork is still actively developed.
Perhaps not as slick or minimal as Vox, but it does what it promises ...


Thanks, I’ll check it out. While waiting for perhaps a reset from Vox, or the next version…

My frustration with Mac is that they’re so exclusionary — see the current Quicktime for video, which wants me to convert a thousand files into its format, which meant having to download the old version 7, but it doesn’t play everything. So you’re forced to use third-party software, which always seems to have issues. I’m a recent convert who just loves the hardware of the mini, and OSX. Sad that they’re more interested in playing games than simply providing the best possible computing experience for their customers, which they would be eminently capable of doing. I think it would make them more money in the long run.

Am 05.09.2014 um 15:18 schrieb Peter tender2+d1b73bfb2a7bd59a87b65e1b080eba9025456fd7c@tenderapp.com:


I'm a lifelong Mac fanboi, who has never understood the attraction of Windows, so I'll not get into a discussion about that.

Suffice to say that I'm just as frustrated as you are with Quicktime, but there are excellent free alternatives, playing everything you can think of.
My favourite is MPlayerX : http://mplayerx.org Try it, you'll not regret it, I promise ...


Super, very pleased with it. Thanks again, the other tip was great as well. Given what they’re doing with Quicktime, I’m hoping that the successive versions of OSX will continue to enable quality third-party alternatives. My knowledge of how computers work is too slim for me to know whether such concerns are unfounded or not.

Am 05.09.2014 um 16:09 schrieb Peter tender2+d1b73bfb2a7bd59a87b65e1b080eba9025456fd7c@tenderapp.com:


I have the same problem -- after all songs in an album I dragged into Vox (drag into a new collection…) have played, next time I hit the PLAY button it plays a track I didn't order to be played. The queue only contains the files from the "new collection" which is the album that has played and nothing else. No idea why the PLAY button plays some other track, but I cannot even find out where is it coming from.

P.S. Thanks for listening to us and partly reverting the old GUI.



Hello guys and thank you for making VOX better. We will take into consideration your suggestions.


Great news. While you're at it : the 1st track in the dropdown playlist stays highlighted, whatever track is playing. The small equaliser on the left of the playing tracks keeps up with track changes. I think the track highlighting should do that as well.


I'm having problems too, and i really like the player!

My issue is when you are playing a given playlist loaded before, and you want to add more files to it, you add them to the playlist, but the new files doesn't get added to the queue, and there is no way to edit the queue. So when the player reaches the end of the original playlist (the end of the queue) you have to manually hit play on the new ones. This doesn't makes sense, i should be able at least to configure o to choose when i add new files to the playlist to automatically add them to the queue. Or be able to add files directly to the queue (that could be also automatically added to the playlist).


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