Strange drag&drop behavior in lists


It feels strange when you click and drag list item, but instead of dragging the item under the cursor it drags the one that was selected before. For example, I have a playlist of 10 tracks and the selected is number 3. Then I click and drag the 7th, but it still drags the 3rd. Strange.

And it seems like there should be a bit of latency before the dragging starts. A couple of pixels. It's not critical while using mouse or trackpad, but very annoying if you try to select a list item using graphic tablet. It's almost impossible.


Hi Gene,
Thanks for reaching out.
Please specify the app and OS versions. Just tested and works great for me. Need more details to reproduce it here.
Thank You.



It’s 2.8.8 mac app on OS X 10.11.5 (15F34). It’s strange, because I can not reproduce it right now too. But I checked today earlier — the bug was there. The only clue I can provide, that this strange behaviour took place when there were no items selected at first, but I may be wrong. Right now it works fine. If it hits me again I’ll do a gif for you.

And about my second thought, there is a gif where you can see, how quirky it is when using graphic tablet. Sometimes it changes the song with a blinking, sometimes it doesn’t change. That happens because tablets are very precise, and it is normal to have fractional coordinates of a cursor, like (245,2; 848,7). While I’m hitting the list item twice the coordinates change slightly and VOX thinks that I’m dragging. That’s just my guess. But I believe that items should be ‘sticky’ and start dragging after a significant change of cursor coordinates.

Thanks for your attention!


I experience exactly the same behavior in the Mac (desktop) version. Instead of being able to change track order within a play list by simply dragging a track to another slot, I can only do it for the selected track.

It works as intended on the iPhone version.


Sometimes it works well, sometimes buggy. Here is a gif. First I’m trying to drag the 4th track, then the 9th and both times it drags the 6th. When I try to select another track, the other bug comes — instead of ‘click’ I get ‘drag’ — and everything is messed up.


Gene, it only ever works when you are dragging the track that is currently selected. This is incrediably inconvenient.



I agree, but sometimes it works fine. Rarely but it does.


I think I’ve localised the bug. What I do:
1. Drag cue file to playlist. Some songs appear there. Sorting is buggy.
2. Drag one more cue file, adding songs to the playlist. Sorting becomes normal.

It doesn't work if I put some files (not cue), and then add some more files. Both times sorting is buggy. Somehow it resolves only after a second adding of cue file.

One more thing that is strange. Open VOX, then put some files into playlist. Try to sort anything. It’s just a yellow line moving around playlist, but no sorting happens (gif attached). Until you select something. Then it goes buggy as described above.


Hey, VOX team! Are there any news about this issue?


Hey, VOX! Any news? The bug is still there.


Only selected track can be rearranged.It's done on a purpose and it is not a bug.


Sorry, but let me chime in here. Why do you require to select a track
prior to be able to drag it somewhere with a mouse? This is so
confusing. Why not allow it instantly? As the result, to re-arrange
multiple tracks in a playlist requires double time. Furthermore, IMHO
simply dragging an item to change order seems more like a native GUI
operation people are used to. Don't you agree?



Dear Andrejs,
For me, personally - that way would be more convenient. It just can not be classified as a bug or an issue. It's a suggestion, to make UX better. That's why It's in our "Suggestions Box" and will be later when there will be a time and resources for major UI/UX improvements.


Thanks, I consider it as the only real usability issue with VOX at the moment. Every now and then track order is messed up, especially with file formats that don't allow to embed it within the audio file itself, for example WAV/AIFF files. So, one has to re-arrange all of the tracks in the play list, and it just takes 2 times slower than one would hope intuitively.



Could you please share that purpose with us? So we could at least understand this behaviour.

Actually, it is nothing about words “UX” or “better”. It’s about “normal” behaviour that every user expects.


This is the weirdest UX decision I've ever seen for quite a while. In every known system the drag'n'drop works exactly as other users indicated, nobody drags pre-selected items, items get selected on mouse down and the dragged until mouse button is released.

Moreover, current behavior leads to sudden issues when instead of changing the selection a drag happens, which messes up the playlist.


Problem seems to be solved in 2.8.20. The only minor issue is that when item is dragged the ghost item "jumps" up, especially if starting the drag at the top part of item. Arrow on screenshot shows the place where mouse button was pressed. The overlay appeared in improper place.


+1 to the issue.

Why can't we have a checkbox in settings that would trigger drag & drop style between native in OS X and the one that is "user friendly"