Since latest update (3.3.4) upload problems


Hi there,
i updated to the new version yesterday and since then I have problems to upload complete albums to my library. There are always missing songs (sometimes only one, sometimes more). Am I the only one with this problem?? I have a MAC OS OS SIERRA (10.13.6)

Thanks for your help



Thanks for this information!

How do you manage to upload your albums? I suppose it was using VOX app client… so “watch folder” feature or drag and drop to VOX app?

What are the file formats?


Hi there,

I tried every possibility to upload, via the upload function on the main page and via the vox app. None of them works properly. As i told you, sometimes there is only one song missing, sometimes 4-5. All the songs are in 320 mp3.



Thanks for your reply! It sounds really mysterious!

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