Problems with VOX for Music Player for Mac


Not sure if anyone is actually still around here, but about a week ago, I could no longer upload music through the VOX Music Player (Mac version). I’d drag and drop files and nothing would happen. Since then, I downloaded the VOX Universal App (mac version) and started uploading FLAC files through that.

Even though I can see the new uploaded files on VOX Music player (for mac) and on my iphone, they will not play. All of the files I uploaded before the app stopped working will still play, but anything I’ve uploaded in the past 5 days will not. Any help is appreciated.


You are not alone. Uploading to VOX cloud was working well for me until very recently. I suspect their server is glitching the credential exchange. I was able to upload using the web interface, unfortunately the metadata (tags) were wiped out so album an artist identification were labeled unknown and unknown. I’m sure the folks with VOX will get back to us soon. I hope they are doing OK.


Similar problem. Since one month my Vox Music Player 3.5.6 refuse to connect to my accounts. So it is no possibile to upload music, or listen to the music uploaded. When I try to connect to my accounts apper the message: “Ooops… there was a problem”.
I wrote to the support services but I had no reply. Very Disappointed


Have any of you tried lately? I’ve found myself using VOX Universal + VOX Cloud again for some reason, and both uploads to VOX Cloud and playback are working swimmingly so far. Maybe they fixed the issue?