Loop multi-disc album



I have an album 'Louise Attaque - Anomalie' which has two discs, on the iTunes library inside Vox they are grouped as one but when I uploaded the tracks via Loop they are shown as two different albums.



Hi JB,
Thanks for Your question.
iTunes library inside VOX are sorted the way it is in iTunes. VOX just displays these tracks.
LOOP uses meta tags for sorting. You can edit that in any meta tag editor software. Kid3 free app for example.


Ok so multi-discs albums being separated as different albums is a normal
behaviour ? If so it would be nice to have an option to group them as one.


Ok so multi-discs albums being separated as different albums is a normal behaviour ? If so it would be nice to have an option to group them as one.


They can be separated or grouped. It depends only on meta tags. You can edit file tags
and slit them or group. It's up to You. In future there will be meta tag editor in LOOP, so no additional software will be needed.


Discussion was merged with "re-loop-multi-disc-album-questions-suggestions-1622".


