Double clicking Menubar icon


Double clicking Vox menu bar icon doesn't do anything.
When you click once, it opens Vox menu, and second time it just closes the menu window.

So, what if double clicking automatically opens Vox Player?
You don't have to click meubar icon -> scroll all the way down (if you have lots of songs on your play list) -> then Click Open.

What do you guys think?


And it would be even better if you allow users to choose what double click opens, player window? or preference window?


I must admit that I'm confused by this. I thought for sure that there would be an option to open the main player window from the menu bar. But nothing seems to open it. I don't care terribly much what action does the opening but there should be some way to do it.


Hi guys,

May we ask you to provide us with the screen recording of this issue?

  1. Launch Finder>Applications>Quick Time Player.
  2. Tray Menu>File>New Screen Recording.
  3. Send us the file so we could investigate the problem. 

Looking forward to hearing back from you!


The discussion has been closed.


Wait! Just realized that if I click the 3 dots at the bottom of the queue dropdown it will open the main window of Vox! How novel.


