currently playing song is not showing album name in OSX app, only artist name, and track name in a larger font below.
There is space for the album name to be featured to the right of the artist name, for instance divided by " - " or something like that. At least it should in some way be visible. It is in the IOS app.
Furthermore, clicking or double clicking the currently playing song should at least take you to that album in VOX, like it does in the IOS app. If you’re currently in “collections” view, it will take you to the track within the collection, whereas if you are “VOX Cloud” view, it will take you to the track within the album in the VOX Cloud.
Very nice feature.
Since having neither in the VOX OSX app (as far as I can see at least), it’s quite hard to know which album is playing at times. For instance if a “Main Title” track is playing by John Williams.
Anyway, it ought to be there.
And remember: VOX Rocks!