Add the Ability to Hide iTunes as a Source


On the desktop client, I'd like to be able to hide iTunes as a source, similar to on the mobile app. This is because I only use Loop.


Hey 8BitKid,
thanks for your suggestion, we'll consider it for further updates.

Stay tuned!


I agree with 8BitKid, and would like to add that the option to hide Loop as a source would also be a massive improvement. I currently use iTunes Match and therefore cannot afford to use Loop at the moment (though I may consider it in the future), but for now, the inability to hide Loop as a source is irksome.

Having said that, I love the app. It’s a thing of beauty. Keep up the great work, guys.


Also, to clarify my desire, it would be to control sources, so easily toggle the visibility of Loop and/or iTunes. Right now it just adds visual clutter.


you want to change interface in some way by hiding the sources, and it is not easy to implement.

Again, we'll consider this feature for further updates, but note, there is no ETA for it now.


Just want to add another voice in favor of this.

Anyway, keep up the amazing work Coppertino! Vox has helped me reach digital music nirvana!


