Add setting to display folder names (or names of CUE files) before the group of files which belong to that folder/CUE


This entry could be even collapsible. Take a look on what AIMP guys do, works very well if there are tons of files from different folders/CUEs in one play list. Significantly improves navigation and UX.


The discussion has been closed.


Why closed? Nothing has been done.


sorry for closed thread.

Can you please provide us with more detailed information what exactly do you want to see in VOX?
Waiting for your reply!


When user adds a number of folders/CUE files they all are represented as one list, although it might be useful to see them grouped by folder.

Here is an example how Aimp does it:


Got it!
Thanks for pointing, it make sense to consider such bechavior of displaying Playlist tab.
It'll be logged into our To Do List.

Have a nice day/night!


Any updates?