VOX: Feedback

DSD and SACD [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Song view sorting [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Album view [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Pitch-Slider [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Remembering file and playback position at next start [Questions & Suggestions] (5)
Currently Playing Song & Artist [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Youtube integration for vox! [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Stars - for music categories ***** [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Playlist and remove files from disk [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Add support for visualizer plugins with line input / mic realtime react [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Read CUE [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Left/right keys for move through the song [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Remote App Support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Add Soundcloud track by URL [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Mouse wheel [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Why are "discussions" closed? [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Add french radios [Questions & Suggestions] (8)
Claim like Winamp. Lack important visualizer [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Collection - List view and separation between main and sub folder [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
[request] Add pbb radio [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
DSD audio playback [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
OS X Media control button support [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Option to disable some sources [Questions & Suggestions] (2)
Recently played [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Quick rating/editing of tracks as I listen to my collections [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Displeased with 2.1 interface [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Could tell in 5 seconds I don't want the new update [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Integration with TakeFive from the Iconfactory [Questions & Suggestions] (4)
Color scheme redux [Questions & Suggestions] (3)
Default collection [Questions & Suggestions] (2)